I N F O R M A T I O N :
-s h o p :
-p r i c e : US $18.28 (¥2.128) for 2pcs!!! hehe~
-s h i p p i n g c o s t : (EMS): US$21.61 ←for super fast shipping! ♥
I could also choose for Europe (SAL): US$10.07
-m a n u f a c t u r e r : Banpresto
-DXF Standing JoJo Pose 1 - Rohan Kishibe (17cm H)
- Shigekiyo Yangu (10cm H)
-m a n g a: PART IV: Diamond Is Unbreakable 【ダイヤモンドは砕けない】
from: 【ジョジョの奇妙な冒険】 (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
-r e a s o n t o b u y : Rohan Kishibe is fab ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
HELLO helloo~
I've never really understood some people and their love for figures. Some can just afford figures for 70$ or even more. But oh my god, I do understand them now. *fangirl spirit has awakened again*
How I began to love figures.
I was never interested in getting one. I'm not saying that I don't like dolls, I actually like them. I see dolls as little statues, a body without soul with a meaning or a story behind it. Like art you got loads of different kinds of texture, material, sizes, and possibilities. That's the way how I think about dolls. Some people find it childish and some people collect them or take their favourite one with them in their bag. Like Queenie Chan from BeautyQQ, who's also a great inspiration for me. I didn't purchase figures or so called dolls, because I never knew it could be so beautiful since I saw a 23 cm height figure of my friend. Of course, it also depends on the price, so that thing was also a bit on the pricy side, but wahh the quality is so good! The figure looks even like a real life anime girl that has popped out of my laptop screen.
About my figures.
Everyone who watch movies, dramas, anime or read novels, stripbooks or manga has their own favourite character. My love for this one was big enough to get the feeling that I need someting more of the character. Having a figure feels like (for a small part) having your favourite character in real life lolol
- A S H
I've never really understood some people and their love for figures. Some can just afford figures for 70$ or even more. But oh my god, I do understand them now. *fangirl spirit has awakened again*
How I began to love figures.
I was never interested in getting one. I'm not saying that I don't like dolls, I actually like them. I see dolls as little statues, a body without soul with a meaning or a story behind it. Like art you got loads of different kinds of texture, material, sizes, and possibilities. That's the way how I think about dolls. Some people find it childish and some people collect them or take their favourite one with them in their bag. Like Queenie Chan from BeautyQQ, who's also a great inspiration for me. I didn't purchase figures or so called dolls, because I never knew it could be so beautiful since I saw a 23 cm height figure of my friend. Of course, it also depends on the price, so that thing was also a bit on the pricy side, but wahh the quality is so good! The figure looks even like a real life anime girl that has popped out of my laptop screen.
About my figures.
Everyone who watch movies, dramas, anime or read novels, stripbooks or manga has their own favourite character. My love for this one was big enough to get the feeling that I need someting more of the character. Having a figure feels like (for a small part) having your favourite character in real life lolol
- A S H
protection: CHECK
I've just realised that you can call this article more like an article about my feelings and thoughts than a real figure review haha. But I hope that this ''figure review'' was helpful for figure collectors and JOJO fans.
bubble wrap: CHECK. -idk why I took a photo of this lol.
R A T I N G: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Bye Bye Thank you for reading ^^
- A s h